How to swap:

Choose currencies


Enter the address


Create an exchange

Add exchange details

Floting exchange rate

The amount you get may change due to market volatility.

Fixed exchange rate

The amount you get is fixed and doesn’t depend on market volatility.

For more information, read the Terms of use
Floating rate

Enter the wallet address

Create an exchange

By clicking Create an exchange, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Enter the refund address

We recommend adding your wallet address for a refund.

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If you want to get notifications about this exchange.

Have any questions?

You can find the cryptocurrency address in the crypto wallet that you use to keep your coins and tokens. It contains letters and numbers and looks like an alphanumeric string. Cryptocurrencies are based on different blockchains and have their own unique address formats. It’s necessary to provide us with the crypto wallet address, and we’ll send your coins there.

There may be various reasons, including:

  • The spelling of the address. Make sure that the address contains all the necessary auxiliary characters, suffixes, and prefixes (dots, dashes).
  • Extra spaces. Make sure all address characters have been copied. Сheck there are no spaces at the beginning and end of the address.
  • Incorrect blockchain. Make sure that the network of the selected coin matches the network your address belongs to.
  • Some other issues. Feel free to contact our support team which is available 24/7 via email ( or live chat.

Log in to your account, swap crypto, and receive cashback for every exchange. If you still don’t have a customer account on Card2Coin, you are welcome to sign up!

Don’t forget to log in to your account every time before creating the exchange as this is the only way to get crypto cashback. Please, read about different types of cashback subscriptions and find the terms and conditions of our Loyalty Program here